Thursday, March 6, 2008

Leather bags

Leather bag pics, as promised! It was absolutely AMAZING what a difference having the right tools made; the back half of this bag has been nowhere near the effort the front half was.

It starts with a pile of flat pieces. I forgot to take pics of my bag before I got sewing; this is another bag of the same shape but a larger size.

This is the front of the bag, with the strap holder stitched on. I don't like this part of the design and I need to study the pattern and refine it. It did make a handy needle holder, though. You can see that I have not yet finished the stitching on the left side of the bag.

Here's a side view. That flat pile of pieces has gained some volume!

I shall now endeavor to reproduce for you my calm satisfaction as I sewed the back onto the sides and the piece suddenly took shape:

"GRYPH GRYPH GRYPH GRYPH!!! Come!!! comecomecomecomecomecome c'mere c'mere c'mere c'mere!!!!! oh LOOKlooklooklooklook LOOK!!!! Oh! OHHH!!!!"

*Houston, we have achieved Volum-age!*

Back side of the bag. This is, of course... The End.

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