Monday, November 14, 2011


I want you to be happy. You know, with the kind of happiness that sneaks in around the edges so that you don't always realize just how happy you are, but every time you get a quiet moment it floats in your soul and lifts you up, leaving you to recognize that no matter what goes wrong, no matter how hard life gets, you're still at the heart of it filled with happiness.

That's my wish for you.

That's the kind of happiness I feel. I don't always realize it; the pain takes all my concentration so much of the time, and the worry takes so much of it as well... but in the quiet moments when I sit peacefully, the happiness bubbles to the surface again, a gentle reminder that the real me is still here inside myself.

The house is a mess, the garden desperately needs attention, the bills are expanding to take every cent and then some. It all adds up to huge worries, fueled no doubt by the pain, but then there are moments, wonderful peaceful moments.

Saturday I stood outside between Grandfather and Grandmother Maple trees in the midst of the wind, singing the Autumn in. The song just bubbled up out of my soul like an artesian spring.

Tonight a friend posted that she wished everyone happiness and as I smiled at her post I remembered my own happiness. Gryph doesn't see it often enough anymore, so I'm posting it here: at the heart of it all, I am a very happy person. Life is good. I am beyond lucky.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Gryph}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Thank you for being my love.


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